Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dinner and a Movie

There's not much in this world I enjoy more than dinner and a good movie. This past Sunday night a bunch of us from the church got together at the Manayunk Brewery (amazing Belgium waffles) for a meal and then headed over to the theater to watch the new Batman movie, The Dark Knight. It was nice getting to know some of the people that are new to the church... (I guess we're all new to the church at this point.) and the movie was fantastic. It was the second time I went to see it except this time I didn't have an unhappy baby with me. It's amazing the difference that makes! Anyways, I came across this parody of the movie on youtube and thought it was pretty funny. If you've seen the movie you'll laugh. (For those of you reading this on facebook you can see the video at www.epicwired.blogspot.com)


Anonymous said...

Such a GOOD movie.
I tuned into the "Indiana Jones" podcast, and I'd like to thank you for being my pastor on my first week away from home. I miss home a lot, and I can't wait to come back and visit.
I'm havin some trouble finding out about the campus churches, so you have to get a new podcast up next week for me! haha.
Love ya!

Kem Mabis said...

ok... so i check and i check and i check and i keep thinking i'll see a new update on epic's services and i'm getting nothinggg. disappointing.

Kent Jacobs said...

Dear Mr. or Mrs. ".",

I know, I've been bad... but your words of chastisement have motivated me to get back on the wagon. lol
Take it easy and happy reading,